Friday, July 25, 2008

Belacan Okra

You can find the original recipe here. I've used mini dried shrimp and pizza pepper flakes instead because that's all I have. I didn't add any salt and pepper since the belacan is already salty enough. **Belacan is a type of fermented ground shrimp paste. Read more about it here.


  • 20 Okras / Lady Fingers (sliced diagonally)
  • 4 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • A handful of dried shrimp
  • Couple sprinkle of pepper flakes
  • 2 teaspoon of belacan (I got mine from mytasteofasia)

1. Heat the wok with some olive oil.
2. Stir fry the garlic until semi-golden then add in the dried shrimp.
3. Add belacan and stir fry it slightly then add okras and pepper flakes.
4. Add a tablespoon or so water while stir frying to keep from burning.

Here's how mine look:


Kiersten said...

Hi Penny. Thanks for hopping over to my site. :)

Your belacan okra looks beautiful. I can smell the belacan all the way from here! Really!

I love okra, you see, especially with belacan. :)

I will be hanging out a lot here. Cheers.