Saturday, September 20, 2008


Some prick stole part of our barrier wall decorative bricks. Com'on!!! These bricks only $1.99 @ Home Depot. My inlaws walk the dogs every morning by our house. They told us they only noticed ONE brick was missing @ 7am - yes, they checked. By the time we finally saw it (around noon), 6 of them were gone. WTF???! So this prick took one then came back w/ a car to take more? I'm so annoyed! We've filed a police report and notified all the neighbors. Agrrrr!!!! Should we move or just get a yappy dog?! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe you guys can start putting a webcam or security camera in disguise. The thief deserves no pity. It looks like there are thieves lurking around your neighborhood. You'll never know what comes next...

Anonymous said...

Stealing bricks?! That is so pathetic! Be careful though, as kathy above said, you don't know what they'll do next.

Penny said...

We got more bricks to replace the empty spot and heavy duty construction adhesive caulk. All glue down now!!! Hopefully they won't come back.

Kiersten said...

Gosh! I thought bricks stealing only occur here in Malaysia...but in the US too?!

The bricks look beautiful, no doubt about that, yet I can't fathom people would actually steal them!

I hope you catch the thief soon. :)